Upcoming events

Your path to balance and discovery starts here!

Interested in attending?

We invite you to secure your spot by filling out the reservation form provided below.

The Gathering

Experience an enriching evening at The Gathering where connection, inspiration, and captivating conversations await. Our lineup of expert presenters are poised to share invaluable wisdom, tips, and experiences while also fostering vibrant audience participation.

Join us for an unforgettable night of enlightenment and camaraderie. BYO drinks and something to nibble on. Tea, coffee & juices provided.

Regular Events

Delve into the depths of self-care with trauma release therapy and stretch your limits with tailored yoga practices. Experience the power of guided meditation sessions and participate in healing circles aimed at fostering holistic wellness.

Workshops & Courses

Develop your skills set and have some fun with our fabulous range of workshops and courses to suit all interests.

Reserve your space.

If you are interested in attending retreats, workshops or courses, please fill out this request form and we will be in touch to confirm. Submission of this form does not obligate you to attend.

Take this opportunity to ask questions that you may have.

Please note: Yoga, meditation and healing circle just require a quick text to say that you will attend – 027 276 2786

Donation: Please feel free to use bank transfer for your $20 donation: 02-0544-0047093-000 Please reference your full name and date of Gathering.

Thank you, we look forward to getting together.

Filtering by: “Workshop”
Working with Rawhide

Working with Rawhide

Living harmoniously with the Earth requires a multitude of skills. While we may grasp the more apparent aspects, it's often the subtle essentials that elude our attention—bowls, containers, utensils/cutlery, storage, hygiene, knots, and repairs. This class delves into the often-overlooked techniques, unveiling the artistry hidden within these small but crucial elements of sustainable living.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Breathwork Workshop

Breathwork Workshop

This beautiful breath work experience is an opportunity to clear some clutter and personally grow. Experienced breath work facilitator for over 40 years, Mary Marsh knows her stuff. With many decades in the field of life changing experiences, Mary is an expert at holding the space and finding just what you need to heal yourself.

Bring some lunch to share and enjoy a day for making positive change.

Cost: $ 40

Book here or contact Mary 027 602 2812

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Introduction to Numerology

Introduction to Numerology

Join us for an engaging 2-hour workshop with Sandy Atkin, where we delve into the fascinating world of Numerology. In this introductory session, we will explore the profound insights hidden within your date of birth and the full name on your birth certificate. Discover Your Core Numbers and unravel their significance as we delve into how they intricately shape your personality and influence the unique path you're destined to tread in this lifetime. During the workshop, you'll have the opportunity to create a personalised Profile Poster, incorporating your core numbers and their distinctive characteristics. This visual representation serves as a powerful reminder of your boundless positive potential.

Please bring: The Creative in You and the knowledge of Full Birth Certificate Name and DOB

Investment: $50 per person

Limited spots available, don't miss this chance to unlock the mysteries of Numerology and gain a deeper understanding of yourself!

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Weaving from Nature

Weaving from Nature

Living harmoniously with the Earth requires a multitude of skills. While we may grasp the more apparent aspects, it's often the subtle essentials that elude our attention—bowls, containers, utensils/cutlery, storage, hygiene, knots, and repairs. This class delves into the often-overlooked techniques, unveiling the artistry hidden within these small but crucial elements of sustainable living.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Courage Cafe

Courage Cafe

“I have run these for many years and the results have been incredible.”

Michele Courage - Galactic Messenger & Light Code Artist, 

What is the Courage Café?

An inspirational and conscious meeting of fabulous women. It’s a bit ‘whoo whoo’, and sometimes inculdes a soul journey guided meditation. Always, inspiring cards, a little sharing.

Michele has a wealth of guided wisdom to share as she works with Galactic Energies has Dragon chats and more …. every evening will be different depending on who shows up on that day. She will be introducing to you everyday tools that has helped her to lift her vibrations. There will be a bit of sage and clearing too. An event like no other, come and experience time at the Courage Cafe - and raise your vibration too.”

Beautiful, natural handmade, hand grown products available to purchase.

Limited spaces available. Payment range: $20 or $30. There will be homegrown Chamomile tea on offer and a few nibbles.

Learn more about Michele

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Jason Hotton Energy Workshop

Jason Hotton Energy Workshop

I’d like to introduce myself and share my journey of the mystic and the discovery that came to me when I put my hand up to be of Service to Humanity.

I’m no scholar. I was first a musician, and then a Plumber for nearly all my life. But I have always been fascinated and captivated by the world we cannot see. I have studied temple making and immersed myself with the technology of Russian Pyramids and began making traditional Orgonites in my garage. 

Not long after, I became interested in the consciousness of water and eventually went on to develop my own crystal water filtering devices using VME technology to reset the water back to its original blueprint.

And this water technology eventually would lead me to the Bubble Tech Triple Cone Orgonite Technology. This recent technology raises the bar on the conventional Orgonites. 

This talk about how we can use this technology to make a difference and to help raise the consciousness of ourselves and of Mother Earth.

I’ll be teaching the scientific breakdown of the materials used to create these devices as well as how and why they work. I’ll share about the alchemical process used in their development and how the conscious water plays an important role in their creation.

We will do a deep dive into the use of Sacred Geometry and when it’s used with the Triple Cones, it can facilitate profound shifts. 

I’ll be sharing about people’s experiences from around the World who have worked with the Bubbles as well as my own. Some of the experiences include profound mental/emotional/physical and spiritual shifts. In addition, how the Bubbles have helped energetically clear land, heal water and even return birdlife back to a desolate area of forest. 

On the first night, I’ll be talking about the vibration of water and how it affects all aspects of our Being. I’ll be explaining about Bubble Tech and we will experience the effects of Euphoria using this technology for meditation.

During the workshop on the following day, we will dive even deeper into the creation of the Bubbles, the materials and alchemy as well as the Sacred Geometry and humming used during meditation. I’ll be setting up a pyramid in the space to showcase this technology at yet another level. We will then practice several meditations of Euphoria together, beaming out from our hearts into the Ethers, affecting change in a positive way.

You can expect to learn about Bubble Tech and its higher purpose aimed to change our consciousness and raise the vibration of humanity. You’ll leave feeling empowered to be part of the change after experiencing the vibrations of this technology for yourself.

For years Jason has been researching the mysticism of water and energy.  Using magnets to vortex and crystals to charge and purify water with the compounds and extraordinary benefits of copper,  He has created his own water purification system. His work is inspired by the teachings from the masters Nikola Tesla & Wilhelm Reich.

Recently, he discovered something new , which has changed his life and the lives of others. A combination of all the elements he has been experimenting with, and much more. Join his workshop and be forever changed in the way you experience energy.

Cost: $150. Bank Transfer: ANZ J A Hotton 06-0529-0786-883-01


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Metaphysics, Astrology and You
to 11 Aug

Metaphysics, Astrology and You

Level 1 Metaphysics Astrology & You Workshop 

A weekend of learning to truly understand who you are and what makes you tick.  We look deeply into your inner child to heal this intuitive and integral part of you that needs to be healthy for you to live as a healthy and happy adult.  We will also explore the Ego Self and Higher Self that we are all made up of, so you can gain a better understanding of your internal make-up and what fears may be holding you back.  And of course we delve into Astrology to find out who you truly are and what you have chosen to experience in this lifetime, and why.  There is so  much more that we cover as well and it is a life-changing weekend for all who attend.   Here is the link to the full description and your opportunity to register your interest:-


Price: $ 450 per person with a 50% non-refunable deposit of only $225

For bookings please click here to secure your spot

DAY ONE: 9 AM - 4 PM
Meditation – Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Your Astrology is the map of all you have chosen to be, experience, learn and master in this lifetime. It is the Blueprint to your life and why your soul has chosen to come to the earth plane at this time. As well as giving you a broad understanding of astrology, we will also work through the major planets and placements in each of your Natal Charts so that you can know who you truly are and what you have come here to learn this time round.

Chakras – Clearing Blockages
We have many chakra points in our bodies that are energy centres, and these can very easily become blocked through our beliefs, experiences and ignorance of what is best for us and often what we do not wish to acknowledge. To be of true service and help to the world around us we first must heal ourselves and attending to your chakras on a regular basis is a vital part of this. In this Workshop we will work through each of the major 7 chakra points so as you can see what is blocking you and clear that energy so you can come back into alignment with your Higher Self.


DAY TWO : 9 AM - 4 PM

Meditation - Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Inner Child Work
We all come into this world wounded and then the many experiences we go through as children as well as the treatment and conditioning we receive have a major impact on how we feel about ourselves and whether we feel safe or not. To be a healthy, happy and successful adult you must first heal what has gone before. In this part of the Workshop, we will dive deeply into your past so that you can understand what you were supposed to learn from those childhood experiences, and so that you can heal them and let them go to walk your life path with confidence and surety in yourself.

Ego Self vs Higher Self
We are all made up of our Ego Self/Lower Self-energy as well as our Higher Self/connection to Spirit energy. When we remain stuck in our Ego Self and make all our decisions and take actions from this space we are usually unhappy, unsatisfied, depressed, anxious and/or struggling in some way to find our success and peace. Your Ego Self has no interest in your happiness or peace and to this end is NOT your friend. Your Higher Self on the other hand is not only your connection to all the support and guidance you can receive from the Spirit world but also your connection to YOU and the best possible part of you that you are here to develop and share with the world. Learning to differentiate between these two very powerful parts of yourself is not easy, but once you can do so, you will embrace a much happier and healthier life and one where the highest version of you is always in charge.

Question & Answer Session
I have a wealth of knowledge to share with you and so will open up at the end of the Workshop so that you can ask me any questions you would like to regarding your own life and soul’s journey, or anything to do with spirituality, or whatever else you feel the need to know at this time. Along with the teaching you will receive hand-outs on some of the topics, your own exclusively written Astrology Report & Chart and most importantly, a whole new outlook on life!


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Motherhood Circle and Chaga Ceremony

Motherhood Circle and Chaga Ceremony

Join us for conscious connections and embracing the feminine in motherhood!

Are you prepared to embark on a sacred journey of renewal and conscious connection? Our "Motherhood Circle and Chaga Ceremony" awaits, promising a transcendent experience unlike any other. We're excited to extend our invitation to join us in this profound transformational journey.

What to Expect

  • Kundalini Yoga: Embrace the Shakti and the Divine Feminine with Kundalini yoga sessions, tailored to all mothers to reconnect with their inner power.

  • Conscious Motherhood Circles: Dive deep into conscious motherhood discussions within our circle, sharing stories, support, and cultivating inner peace through mindfulness practices.

  • Healing Reiki: Experience the healing touch of Reiki with our Reiki Master, offering sessions to promote well-being and balance.

  • Chaga Tea Ceremony and Breathwork: Immerse yourself in the soothing benefits of Chaga tea to alleviate stress and promote well-being.

 Limited Spots Available: Reserve Your Spot Now!

Ready to create conscious connections and meet like minded women. Don't miss out - secure your spot today!


To secure your spot, kindly use the following link here: Payment Link

PRESENTERS: Kez and Sanne Storm

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Metaphysics, Astrology and You    PART 2
to 8 Sep

Metaphysics, Astrology and You PART 2

DAY ONE: 9 AM - 4 PM

Meditation – Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Your Astrology is the map of all you have chosen to be, experience, learn and master in this lifetime. It is the Blueprint to your life and why your soul has chosen to come to the earth plane at this time. As well as giving you a broad understanding of astrology, we will also work through the major planets and placements in each of your Natal Charts so that you can know who you truly are and what you have come here to learn this time round.

Chakras – Clearing Blockages
We have many chakra points in our bodies that are energy centres, and these can very easily become blocked through our beliefs, experiences and ignorance of what is best for us and often what we do not wish to acknowledge. To be of true service and help to the world around us we first must heal ourselves and attending to your chakras on a regular basis is a vital part of this. In this Workshop we will work through each of the major 7 chakra points so as you can see what is blocking you and clear that energy so you can come back into alignment with your Higher Self.


DAY TWO : 9 AM - 4 PM

Meditation - Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Inner Child Work
We all come into this world wounded and then the many experiences we go through as children as well as the treatment and conditioning we receive have a major impact on how we feel about ourselves and whether we feel safe or not. To be a healthy, happy and successful adult you must first heal what has gone before. In this part of the Workshop, we will dive deeply into your past so that you can understand what you were supposed to learn from those childhood experiences, and so that you can heal them and let them go to walk your life path with confidence and surety in yourself.

Ego Self vs Higher Self
We are all made up of our Ego Self/Lower Self-energy as well as our Higher Self/connection to Spirit energy. When we remain stuck in our Ego Self and make all our decisions and take actions from this space we are usually unhappy, unsatisfied, depressed, anxious and/or struggling in some way to find our success and peace. Your Ego Self has no interest in your happiness or peace and to this end is NOT your friend. Your Higher Self on the other hand is not only your connection to all the support and guidance you can receive from the Spirit world but also your connection to YOU and the best possible part of you that you are here to develop and share with the world. Learning to differentiate between these two very powerful parts of yourself is not easy, but once you can do so, you will embrace a much happier and healthier life and one where the highest version of you is always in charge.

Question & Answer Session
I have a wealth of knowledge to share with you and so will open up at the end of the Workshop so that you can ask me any questions you would like to regarding your own life and soul’s journey, or anything to do with spirituality, or whatever else you feel the need to know at this time. Along with the teaching you will receive hand-outs on some of the topics, your own exclusively written Astrology Report & Chart and most importantly, a whole new outlook on life!


Price: $ 450 per person with a 50% non-refunable deposit of only $225

For bookings please click here to secure your spot

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Menopause and Weight loss

Menopause and Weight loss

My name is Amanda Mercer and I am based in the Hutt valley, Wellington New Zealand. I moved here from N Ireland 12 years ago and I am so grateful to call New Zealand my home.

I am an online female health nutritionist which is great as it means I can work with people from all over the world.

10 years ago I had a very different outlook on my body, my health, food and exercise than I do today. I didn’t understand my hormones, the effects they had on my body, the impact that my diet and lifestyle had on my body and my mental heath.

I have learnt a lot over the years and the relationship I have with myself and my body has completely changed. I am much more confident, have food freedom, I enjoy eating out, I have much more energy and I feel better in myself now than I did on my 20’s!!

A key component of how I coach, is to educate you along the way. I want you to achieve long term, sustainable change and set you up, so you know what to do moving forward without me! 

I am obsessed with helping women become the best version of themselves, helping them to understand how their body works so they can ditch the diet culture mentality and have high-self worth that isn’t based on a number. Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My name is Sonia McIndoe,

I'm a fully qualified and internationally certified Life Coach using CBT, ACT, NLP, Solutions focused therapy.

I taught for 5 years at EIT where I was trained in adult teaching. I have 20 years experience ,in training, teaching and mentoring women in all aspects of their lives. However, I work with all genders in my bariatric coaching. 
Currently, I'm completing Positive Psychology through Langley Institute.

Alcohol free for 20 years, it's been a difficult road for someone who was a once a wine maker and microbiologist! I'm so happy to have helped hundreds of people on the same journey over the years. 

I work as a facilitator at the Foundations of Healthy Living Retreat in Ohakune for five days every fortnight. I also facilitate with Kate Berridge on a six month program called The Inner Work once a fortnight.

It’s been a wild ride at times, and I can’t wait to share some of what I have learnt with you.

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This is now FULL Mandala painting on stones

This is now FULL Mandala painting on stones

Living harmoniously with the Earth requires a multitude of skills. While we may grasp the more apparent aspects, it's often the subtle essentials that elude our attention—bowls, containers, utensils/cutlery, storage, hygiene, knots, and repairs. This class delves into the often-overlooked techniques, unveiling the artistry hidden within these small but crucial elements of sustainable living.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Liberate your Voice

Liberate your Voice


The sound of your voice is more powerful than you know!

During this mini workshop you will explore the beauty of your voice and discover your hidden treasures. The sound of your voice has a deep and ancient connection to your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. You will be held in a nurturing, safe and sacred space.

Firstly we will do some easy voice warm up exercises to get you in the flow... and then we will come into some amazing Soul Voice® techniques that move your voice to a new sonic landscape and heightened level of awareness.

We will focus on creating a new dimension within your vocal range. We will work with heart opening sounds, the use of colour, chakras, animal medicine and the four elements.

Join Aurora Frances in exploring your voice as an instrument for healing... and leaving you feeling more confident, strong and grounded. No experience necessary.

Cost: $55

Purchase tickets

Learn more about Aurora Frances Soul Garden Universe Soul Garden Universe

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Making Fire

Making Fire

Living harmoniously with the Earth requires a multitude of skills. While we may grasp the more apparent aspects, it's often the subtle essentials that elude our attention—bowls, containers, utensils/cutlery, storage, hygiene, knots, and repairs. This class delves into the often-overlooked techniques, unveiling the artistry hidden within these small but crucial elements of sustainable living.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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The Karma of your Fingerprints

The Karma of your Fingerprints

Sat 4 May | Cost: $160 | Christopher Jones

Everybody knows that each person has a unique set of fingerprints - no two fingerprints are the same and not even identical twins have identical fingerprints!  They are biometric markers of what is unique and individual about each of us and being unchanging throughout life, they reveal something of our patterns of identity. Whilst the genetic significance of fingerprints describes something of our physical and psychological patternings, their karmic significance reveals something of our life path and soul journey.  This workshop will be a hands-on exploration of your fingerprint patterns so you can read the soul movements expressed both in your hands and in the hands of others.  Your life is literally in your hands. 

This video is a short summary about fingerprints which outlines the kinds of thing that would be covered in the workshop on 'The Karma of Your Fingerprints':


To register for the workshop, please indicate your interest and contact us …

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Sound Journey

Sound Journey

Escape the stresses of daily life and immerse yourself in the soothing waves of a Sound Journey experience like no otherJoin Graeme & Debbie (Harmony Sounds) for a blissful journey of relaxation and rejuvenation. As you lay back and let the harmonious sounds wash over you, you'll find peace, balance, and a profound sense of well-being. It’s a chance to reset, recharge, and connect with your inner self. Don't miss this opportunity to embrace serenity and healing through the magic of sound. Come, unwind, and let the transformative vibrations of our Sound Journey guide you to a state of deep inner tranquility.

Please bring yoga mat, blanket and water bottle for your comfort.

For further information about the sound journey

Cost: $40 Book here

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Children of the Earth

Children of the Earth

This class is focused on the small secrets, benefits and advantages of living with the Earth, and the learning the living traits that brought us all to where we are today. This class with look, tach and discuss the wonderous gifts from the earth and methods of gratitude to our divine Home. Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Dragon Energy

Dragon Energy

 MICHELE COURAGE - Intro to working with Dragon Energy Learn how I work more deeply with the Dragon Realm and use dragon energy in my everyday life. Discover how these magical beings can help you to clear energies or to move forward in any area you are stuck, or desire support or clarity. Receive a powerful clearing of energy.

Beautiful, natural handmade, hand grown products available to purchase.

Limited spaces available. Payment range: $20 unwaged or $30. There will be homegrown Chamomile tea on offer and a few nibbles.

Learn more about Michele

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Kevin McDonald Dowsing Workshop

Kevin McDonald Dowsing Workshop

This time with Kevin McDonald is golden, don’t miss an opportunity to attend this workshop.

The ancient art of dowsing has been misunderstood and condemned throughout history, mainly because it could not be explained how, by dowsing, one could find out in great detail about people and places. Now dowsing is more accepted and practised by more and more people, including medical practitioners.

Dowsing for water has been the most accepted way of dowsing for thousands of years, and is where it all started for me. Dowsing for health enables medical practitioners to determine and locate illnesses and select the most suitable form of treatment.

Learning how to dowse generally requires having someone previously trained and capable, to guide and coach you. Dowsing is the main tool I use for diagnosing clients and working out the best solution for them. Over many years I have measured thousands of people, which has given me a clear picture of how the human body works.

We are all very much the same, but all very different. My job as your health coach is first to identify what is the main reason for you being unwell.Secondly, why are you staying unwell, and then recommending what you need to do to help the body heal itself.

This workshop will cover dowsing, health and healing the body and whatever else comes up.

Cost: $60 Book your spot

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The Seed of Remembrance

The Seed of Remembrance

Welcome to a transformative one-day workshop that invites you to connect with the world through the language of movement. In "Movement in Nature" we delve deep into the intricacies of intentional steps, exploring the profound impact of your stride on the surrounding environment.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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The Seed of Remembrance

The Seed of Remembrance

Welcome to a transformative one-day workshop that invites you to connect with the world through the language of movement. In "Movement in Nature" we delve deep into the intricacies of intentional steps, exploring the profound impact of your stride on the surrounding environment.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Movement in Nature

Movement in Nature

Welcome to a transformative one-day workshop that invites you to connect with the world through the language of movement. In "Movement in Nature" we delve deep into the intricacies of intentional steps, exploring the profound impact of your stride on the surrounding environment.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Embark on a day of wilderness mastery with our introductory class on the Four Sacred Rites: Shelters, Water, Food, and Fire. Shelters take center stage as we unveil the art of crafting quick, permanent, and emergency refuges. Discover essential tips and tricks for thriving in the wild – from sourcing water to mastering firecraft. Join us for a transformative day of survival wisdom, where shelters become your first shield against the untamed elements.

Please contact Nicole separately to book your place on this workshop.


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Breathwork Workshop

Breathwork Workshop

Join us for an engaging 2-hour workshop with Sandy Atkin, where we delve into the fascinating world of Numerology. In this introductory session, we will explore the profound insights hidden within your date of birth and the full name on your birth certificate. Discover Your Core Numbers and unravel their significance as we delve into how they intricately shape your personality and influence the unique path you're destined to tread in this lifetime. During the workshop, you'll have the opportunity to create a personalised Profile Poster, incorporating your core numbers and their distinctive characteristics. This visual representation serves as a powerful reminder of your boundless positive potential.

Please bring: The Creative in You and the knowledge of Full Birth Certificate Name and DOB

Investment: $50 per person

Limited spots available, don't miss this chance to unlock the mysteries of Numerology and gain a deeper understanding of yourself!

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Kundalini Yoga Mini Retreat

Kundalini Yoga Mini Retreat

Take time out on a lazy Sunday to enjoy a Kundalini mini half-day retreat with Bridget. This workshop is pure gold! Bridget is a master at making everything seem easy. Her wealth of knowledge about the body allows us to understand the benefits and reasons behind each practice. Enjoy this special time just for you.

The Kundalini journey starts at 10 am with opening the circle, setting the intention for a morning of wellness. At 10:30 am, you will be immersed in a rejuvenating yoga practice that will invigorate both body and mind. At 12:30 pm, you will gather once more in the closing circle, where you can savour homemade chai and organic treats. This provides a perfect opportunity to connect. Come, be a part of this holistic experience designed to nourish your entire being.

Bookings made through facebook: Bridget Anne Kelly

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Chakra Yoga Mini Retreat

Chakra Yoga Mini Retreat

Take time out for you to enjoy a Chakra mini half-day retreat with our experienced yoga teacher Bridget Kelly.

This workshop will guide you through the chakras and their yogic connection, restoring and bringing balance to your body. Bridget’s shares her wealth of knowledge which allows us to understand the benefits and reasons behind each practice. Enjoy this special time-out just for you.

The Chakra journey starts at 10 am with our opening circle, setting the intention for a morning of wellness. At 10:30 am, immerse yourself in a rejuvenating yoga practice that will bring balance and calm to .your nervous system. At 12:30 pm, we gather once more in our closing circle, where you can savour homemade chai and organic treats. This provides a perfect opportunity to connect. Come, be a part of this holistic experience designed to nourish your entire being.

Bookings made through facebook: Bridget Anne Kelly

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